Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bombs Away

A fluffy train is riding the red field towards Imaginatianland. Inside the train, an ugly princess prances the chocolate covered suburbanite, a hole in which she falls and gets shredded into peices by the train. The ugly princess is not missed because honestly when in a fairy tale has there ever been an ugly princess. The gorgeous refrigerator re-enacts an orange monkey. One look, one look. What are you talking about? That would be Zoolander, he's in a model match with the refrigerator. However, the sonic monkey eats a blue instrument. The blue instrument makes a ticking noise! Oh no, what's going to happen! Before you know it though the fun horse pences or robs the university of Imaginatianland into giving all its money to the horse bandits. However, when the horse bandits attempt to jump off the train, th gorgeous refrigerator murders all of them. The ticking gets louder now... and louder. The whole train is engulfed by flames. Everyone dies... including Zoolander. And then there were none. I'm a freak sorry. By the way Julian whipped everone in my group. Go read his now!

1 comment:

Daniel Hernandez said...

this was to funny. i realy liked this assignment it made me learn to connect things and to find a connection in things that you don't usually find one. i just wish we had done it earlier like before we started the synthesis assignment.