Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I totally agree that there are those times where you discover something that just brings out a passion in you. Once you find that passion, you're like wow where have I been my whole adult life. Well, Wendy had one of those and I had one of those at the beginning of July.

I was in Oklahoma City playing in the National Region III Youth Tournament when my literally second dad told me to play college ball for Memphis. I had the notion all along that I wanted to play in college but I never knew about division 1. I had this notion that division 1 was really something special. Like I wasn't good enough for it. It wasn't until I played the #20 team in the country that I noticed the difference between some of the best in the country and a country Memphis team. There's not that much different. Sure my team is #43 in the country but top 20 I thought was a another level.

This same notion I had for the Memphis team. Part of what discouraged me to want to play at Memphis was that 30 people were already on the team with only 1 senior. I doubt he was going take anyone else. Well, over the summer something drastic happened. About half the team transferred out and five new freshmen came in. It was totally bizarre. So what did I do. I got my ass into shape. My friend who went to Cornell for cross country got me in shape in about a month. September 3rd rolls aournd (day for tryouts) and I make a good impression on Richie Grant. He wants to see me in the spring. How kick ass is that! My hardwork payed off. Son in the end Wendy, your hardwork will also pay off in numerous ways. Lexi will get better and you'll become so rich off wiritng novels that Bush has to insert a new tax bracket for you! There you go.