Friday, November 30, 2007

Procrastination sucks big time

Procrastination is no fun and an awful habit that I have. Wish they had something that you could chew or drink or smoke for it! I have become a prime victim of this stress increasing addiciton! It seems that all of my papers and assignments are due at the same time, and it also seems as if I am the only one to blame. I told myself at the beginning of the year that I was going to kick this procrastination perpetrator in the butt! But low-and-behold it snuck up on me and took a bite out of my planned free time. I now spend the time I normally would enjoy kicking back watching soccer, studying, writing papers, and stressing (a bad combination). One thing that I have learned to do when I am “stuck in a pickle” is to talk to my professors. For some odd reason they have this ability to calm my nerves and help me manage my life, while putting their life aside for a moment. One day one of my professors asked me to stay after class because he wanted to talk to me. My first instinct, and I think everyone has this instinct, is to mentally run through everything you ever did or said that might constitute some kind of punishment. Nothing came to my mind and so I was rather dumb-founded and worried to what this meeting would encompass. It turns out that he was worried because he noticed I had been stressing over things I would not normally stress about and stayed after class to talk to me and make sure that everything was going ok. The funny thing was I wasn’t surprised with the conversation. I have had many of the same talks with most of my professors here, which makes me feel not only like I am getting my money’s worth here at Memphis. Talking about this care reminds of my family and that in-turn reminds me of the holidays around the corner. Enjoy your Christmas and the family that cares for you.
Ah….smell that home cookin’!

1 comment:

Daniel Hernandez said...

thats great that you can talk to your professors. i have been saved from so many "pickels" as you said with help from my adviosr. and even my public relations teacher saved my life in his class. but yeah im glad your doing aliright